Friday, June 25, 2010

Tagagna - Hippy and Backpacker Paradise

Taganga is probably one of my least favorite places in Colombia. The tourists outnumber the locals. The place smells of burning trash, incense and hippie funk. The kind of hippy funk one smells when he goes to a dubstep party in San Francisco with his younger brother.  Ughh. What was once a small fishing village is now on the tourist map especially with Israelis, who by far, outnumber all other tourists. The hippies were once tourists that decided to not go home. Attracted by cheap drugs and a beach to sleep on, their numbers are constantly growing, maybe faster than San Francisco. The government is contacting the creators of South Park to find ways to deal with this problem.
Despite the prices of most things being inflated due to the influx of tourists, Taganga has some of the cheapest scuba diving excursions in the South America. And it is for this reason that you will find me gracing the place with my presence. Two dives cost around $60 US and there are some pretty amazing corals in the surrounding waters.

The immediate area around Taganga is arid. The waters are crystal clear with high visibility. In between dives, we broke for lunch on this deserted beach that had a nice cabana.

Braco was my diving buddy. Everytime I jumped out of the dive boat, he jumped in after me.


I did get lucky and had a little hottie for my dive guide. Anula was a lot fun and I am definitely going back to dive with her again.
Bahia de Taganga

Ottto was a very friendly capuchin. I would bring him bananas in the morning but he preferred lollipops. Though if he had his choice, he preferred rum. 
One Cuba Libre............

Don't forget to drink what spilled out........
......One ticklish monkey. coochi,  coochi, coo.....
These were the Djs from Bogota spinning at Mirador. Commericials for a radio station kept coming on in the middle of their sets. When I confronted them about it, they told me they were playing prerecorded sets from their radio station. I told them they sucked. Then they insisted on buying me a beer, taking a photo with me and offered to have me spin a set at their radio station.

Afterhours at La Casa

A cool group of guys from Bogota that I met  at Mirador. They took me to the afterhours party at La Casa the night before. I had just got back from scuba diving in the afternoon and they were still partying from the night before. They offered me acid, I declined. I told them I have enough shit going on upstairs already. So instead they bought me beer and we had a pleasant conservation about Bogota.
In between dives.
Fisherman setting their nets the way they have been doing it for the last 300 years.

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