Two and a half hours east of Medellin, rolling green pastures give way to jagged marble peaks blanketed by a thick, tropical, primary forest. This is Rio Claro. Eons of rain and subsequent erosion have carved deep canyons into the marble and limestone. While most rivers in the rain forest are brown from tree tannins and sediment runoff, the Rio Claro is crystal clear. The rich marble deposits that compose the river bottom ensure that the Rio Claro remains clear all year. The marble geology creates a unique natural wonder that is only ruined by the pursuits of the mining companies that litter the area. I stayed in Rio Claro Reserve. A private, ecological reserve since the late 70s, the Rio Claro Reserve is an excellent model for sustainable ecotourism. The owners understood that they did not have to mine their land to be profitable and the reserve's beauty has made this a popular tourist destination.

I tried not to get too close to this beauty.

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