Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Silver Bullet Mullet

Fashion has always been one my favorite things to observe when I travel.  Fashion is very fickle. Although, it still gives one a snapshot of other cultures even though that snapshot may only be a true representation of that culture for a brief period. Euro men (mostly Brits)  love to where the short pants that stop halfway between the top of the ankle and the bottom of the knee. Midwesterners love to wear sandals with socks and denim shorts. In 2006/2007, Australian men loved to bleach their bangs or their pony tails or the sides of their head but not their whole head. So what is popular in Colombia? Without a doubt, the mullet. I am talking about business in the front and party in the back. I am talking about shave the sides but keep that duck tail. I have never seen a single hair style so prevalent in any culture. So with that, I present you the best mullet I have seen in all of Colombia. The Silver Bullet Mullet. Yeeee-haaaaaaaaaa!

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